Does your family eat together? Kelly Bruno offers an explanation on why it’s okay if they don’t! I ran out the kitchen door with a skip in my step. It …
Misophonia is way worse when you’re stressed – managing stress and misophonia during finals can feel like its own full time job. Right now I’m going through finals – and …
At what point does Misophonia take over everything that you love. Dealing with Misophonia can be the hardest thing that some people have had deal with, including myself. I have …
Misophonia is hard. Living through triggers is hard too. When you’re faced with triggers, you need to Regulate, Reason and Reassure (Dr. Jennifer Jo Brout’s coping method). The following are …
When we think of teenagers we often focus on hormonal, physiological and emotional changes. However, we often neglect to focus on how cognitive abilities, or thinking, changes. By adolescence, individuals are typically able to utilize …
While the research may not be caught up enough to say definitively that Misophonia causes depression, I believe for many of us, depression has become a part of our lives. …
Living with Misophonia is a struggle for all of us. How do you work with Misophonia? Imagine working in an office, which you would assume is a quiet atmosphere. WRONG! …
When I first discovered what ‘Misophonia’ is, I had an entirely different story to tell. I was relieved there was a name. I was also scared that I have a disorder …
2017 is the year of Fake News, false hope, and the year where the divide between miracle and science has been raised so high, so wide, that a clear chasm …
I have a friend with Misophonia. It took me a while to understand what it was and how it affected their life. Eventually I realized it affects my life as …