Conversations About Research for Everyone
May 16 • 2023 @ 9am-6pm EST
Misophonia Research. Simple.
So much has happened in the world of misophonia research in just the last couple of years. How does one make sense of it all? The CARE for Misophonia Day is an open, one-day event where leading misophonia researchers share their work with you!
No Charge. Registration Required. Open to All.
Register here: https://www.soquiet.org/care?gclid=Cj0KCQjw0tKiBhC6ARIsAAOXutn8eDghBcBfvDEIdTvRnMqbhO-hCe-jABr-un26yyIXddmZmfketzkaAnSDEALw_wcB